Brett Horrocks

Working + Voting for PRES. Trump

Date: 11//01/24
I was never political growing up… I’d say I stayed away from topics I didn’t fully understand, and politics was always awkward to debate.

I remember, as a young kid, maybe 7 or 8 years old, my dad really disliked President Bush in the early 2000s. He still called himself independent, though, and I believe he might have voted both ways up until 2016.

Then my family (at least my dad, mom, and two sisters) went full left. My dad developed a strong dislike for Trump, so much so that I sometimes worry about his social media presence affecting my work lol. 

I won’t lie—I had a few tweets and posts about Trump back in 2015/2016, usually something like “both these candidates are crazy,” but honestly, I didn’t care much either way.

My mentor in 2016, a smart man with close connections to Trump, supported him fully. I remember he got our company, Surge, VIP access to a large donor event in Utah where Don Trump Jr. was speaking… I had no idea who Trump Jr. was and hardly listened. I remember we took a picture with him, my partner and I completely underdressed, haha.

The same mentor tried to teach me why Trump was the answer, but I listened to my parents’ opinions and the media more and stayed against Trump whenever the topic came up.

Luckily, I had a wake-up moment later on when some things in my life got brought to light in 2017, and I had to really rethink how I was living. I chose God and Jesus Christ, and my first red pill moment came when I realized that my old views, which were somewhat “left,” didn’t align with my new beliefs and my rejoining the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon), which threw me a bit. 

It didn’t take long to realize it, though—this was also when I stopped drinking and smoking, started working out, and raised my testosterone. These changes helped me drop most of my leftist views, which I think contributed a lot to my previous victim mentality and mindset of anger.

Even then, I stayed critical of then-President Trump from a more “right-center” perspective that I’d taken on after my first wake-up call. It wasn’t until the February 2020 State of the Union address that I fully bought in on Trump and moved away from a “woke” mindset.

Four big things happened during that address.

First, I developed a real interest in politics and understood why it mattered to me. Second, everything Trump was saying aligned with my beliefs, especially from a religious perspective. Third, I realized that Trump was normal, unlike how the media portrayed him, and when Pelosi tore up her transcript, or how the Dems acted in the crowd, I knew I could never support anything that childish. Fourth, after the address, I happened to catch CNN’s panel and watched them lie outright, to the point where I found myself yelling at my wife to wake up, saying, “This isn’t even true,” over and over. That fully opened my eyes to how much the media was lying to everyone.

So, why Trump, and why agree to work with his team to get him elected in 2024?

The Economy – The economy was and will be run much better with him and the people he chooses. You can nitpick the media narratives, but the economy was stronger in many ways under Trump. Bringing in people like Musk to cut the spending and stop the insane spending on other countries is crucial to our country.

Pro-Life Stance – His stance on abortion is almost identical to the one I hold religiously, and this is big for me. I want people to choose life and have kids. I love having kids; it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I want our country to be more “pro-child” in many ways, things that both sides would agree with, I think, like making it more affordable for young families.

Health – It’s obvious now that from our food to big pharma, the whole health perspective is corrupt and run by money-hungry individuals. What we’re eating is killing us, and I believe most vaccines do more harm than good. They’re using us as guinea pigs for profit. Trump is bringing in people like RFK who are spotlighting this corruption.

Homeschool – Homeschooling is a big deal to us. I’ve always hated the current model of education, built in the early 1900s to standardize people for factory work. We’ve yet to update it. Plus, it’s an excuse to get women out of the home and kids into a type of daycare. Trump is talking about homeschooling like no other candidate, showing the tax savings (since it’s expensive, forcing us to be a one-income household) and making it more popular.

Immigration – The last few years, immigration has spiraled out of control. I’ve heard both candidates’ positions, and I believe Trump has a more direct plan to deport those who shouldn’t be here. In my own city, we’ve had 15,000 immigrants come in through odd government programs. Crime is skyrocketing, and even though I live on a mountain in a gated community, I no longer feel as safe for my family. I know most immigrants are good, but we need to remove the ones who aren’t and fix the issue.

Character – This is the most important factor I’ve seen firsthand. Trump is a good man, someone you’d want as your grandpa. He’s funny, he loves people, and the media has twisted and lied about him.

As for working with Trump and being around some incredible people in politics this last month—since a lot of questions have come up…

In September, when President Trump visited Utah, a few people from his campaign reached out to me. They mentioned, that he had said to them “find someone to help us get the LDS vote…” and we connected through previous work and mutual connections.

This led to my involvement in several areas—from arranging a meeting with Church officials and Trump’s team to assisting with the rollout strategy, writing the PR announcement, my team designing/creating graphics, building landing pages, attending events, and getting influencers involved.

It was intense and took more of my time than I initially expected, but I loved being around these people, expanding my network, and connecting with others who share similar values and want to see a good man elected.

I know that even though it is way more popular now to support and endorse President Trump, I am voting for and endorsing him fully in this election.
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